Great EgretIf you like what you see in the galleries and blog and want to take pictures like these and for one reason or another do not want to attend a pre-arranged workshop, I’ll be glad to arrange a one-on-one workshop for you.  I can meet you near the Mississippi coast or I can travel to another location to meet you.  Whether you want to concentrate on specific technique (such as macro or long lens), want an image of a specific kind of animal/plant (alligator, treefrog, red-cockaded woodpecker, native orchid, shorebird), want to see how to approach a particular location (beach, river, pine flatwoods),  or just want to learn to use your camera more effectively, give me a yell.  My standard rate for one-on-one photographic instruction is $350 per day plus expenses.

I am also available to speak to groups about a variety of nature and photography topics.  If your group needs a speaker with a presentation illustrated by images like you see here, I’ll be glad to help if I can.

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